Growing up in Montreal as an Anglophone, I became bilingual in French as my second language because I was emerged in it; using it daily. But, when I moved to the U.S. and stopped practicing my second language, the result was that it became very rusty. Each time I return to Montreal for a visit, it begins to come back
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The Great Crate Debate
Although dogs are naturally den creatures and inherently find comfort in cool, quiet enclosed spaces, when puppies are led into a crate to spend time alone for the very first time in their lives, they will complain. Why? Because they have never been alone before or because the previous owner neglected to create a positive association with the crate. And,
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Keeping Dogs Cool & Safe This Summer
Dogs regulate their body temperatures by panting through their mouths and sweating from the pads of their feet. Here are a few tips for keeping your beloved pups safe and cool this summer: Cool water for drinking AND dipping foot pads help bring down body temperatures. I usually fill a kiddie pool or large bowl with a few inches of
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Can My Dog Contract the Coronavirus or get Allergies? Spring Newsletter 2020
CAN DOGS CONTRACT THE CORONAVIRUS? According to veterinary experts, the answer is NO. HOWEVER, there is a case in Hong Kong where a Pomeranian tested positive for COVID-19. In addition, the question remains, can your dog serve as a reservoir of the virus and pass it back to you? There is still so much that we don’t know about this
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New Pup Exposure!
Your family just got this adorable puppy and your veterinarian and well-meaning neighbors tell you to keep her safe from disease by not exposing her to any place other than your home and yard. This, in fact, is a mistake and one that can cause more damage than the risk of your puppy contracting a disease! Even the American Veterinary
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Caring for your Senior Dog
It’s not easy watching your beloved pooch grow old, let alone with pain and / or dementia. Navigating through incontinence, lack of muscle control, expensive treatments, disinterest in social interaction or play and end-of-life decisions are incredibly difficult. Like humans, genetics and lifestyle often play a role in whether your dog ages gracefully or not! This life stage can be
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Teach Your Dog to BE CALM & COMPLIANT
It’s never too late to start over with your dog! Creating an enjoyable relationship in which you can proudly take your dog anywhere and know s/he will be calm and compliant is what everyone wants! The goal is for your dog to have freedom while following rules. Rules are in place to keep everyone safe and at peace. Just as
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Best Job For Dogs That Fit Their Personalities
So many folks today want their dogs to become therapy dogs! What exactly is a therapy dog? This is a term used to describe Animal Assisted Activities where opportunities for educational, recreational or motivational benefits enhance quality of life. For example, the human handler/volunteer brings their dog to a children’s hospital to play with patients. Trained volunteers who’ve successfully fulfilled
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Why Dogs Sometimes Behave Aggressively
Recently, I worked with a family who had a sweet, friendly small dog who only showed aggressive behavior toward one family member and they were puzzled as to why this was. Dogs instinctively live according to strict hierarchical rules within the pack in order to minimize conflict and simply put: packs that are conflict-free survive. Dogs fight for position because
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Good Calm Manners – from our Fall 2018 Newsletter
Ever wondered why your dogs over-react with intense excitement when you return home or when your visitors arrive or even when you’re feeding them a meal? The answer is: you are your dog’s mirror. In other words, when you are excited to see your beloved pooch after a long day away, your dog becomes excited right along with you. When
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